Current Projects
View more details about our current projects in the Cook Islands. Our projects focus on areas of biodiversity, waste, land degration, inland waters and conservation to bring long-term benefits to our island communities.

Montreal Protocol
(MP) Project
The MP Project aims to phase out Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) & phase down Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are man-made chemicals harmful to the our environment and health.
UNEP support the Cook Islands compliance with the control measures, implementing activities and other obligations under the Montreal Protocol.

GEF-8 PLastc R.e.s.p.o.n.s.e. Project
The NES is excited to present the Cook Islands national project under the GEFs Circular Solutions to Plastic Pollution integrated program (IP) titled, “Reducing Single-use Plastics on Small Island Economies” or RESPONSE.

Tita’ ki te Tita’kore
The National Environment Service (NES) has partnered with Cook Islands General Transport (CIGT) to launch the “Tita’ ki te Tita’ kore Project.” This initiative is aimed at tackling the environmental and health risks posed by the improper disposal of whiteware, electronic waste (E-Waste) and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) on Rarotonga. This forward-looking initiative reflects the Cook Islands Government’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable waste management practices.

Cook Islands GEF7 Project
Welcome to the latest update on the Global Environment Facility (GEF) 7 project in the Cook Islands!
This exciting project is working towards enhancing biodiversity considerations and effective protected area management to safeguard the Cook Islands integrated ecosystems and species. It involves many key partners and stakeholders working together towards this common goal.
Pacific Ocean Litter Project (POLP) | Australian Government | AU$800,000 | Approved | 2023-2025 | SPREP | |
Titā ki te Titā kore | Cook Islands Government | NZ$360,000 | Implementation | 2023 - 2025 | CIGT | |
HCFC Phase-Out Management Plan Stage I | Multilateral Fund | USD $50,400 | Implementation | Ongoing | UNEP | |
HCFC Phase-Out Management Plan Stage II | Multilateral Fund | USD $40,000 | Implementation | Ongoing | UNEP | |
Institutional Strengthening Project VII (ISP) | Multilateral Fund | USD $80,000 | Implementation | Ongoing | UNEP | |
Minamata Initial Assessment (MIA) | GEF (CW) | USD $39,500 | Implementation | 2016-2022 | SPREP, BRI | |
Managing IAS for CC Adaptation in the Pacific (MISCCAP) | MFAT | TBC | Planning | TBC | DoC, SPREP | |
GEF-7 Project ENUA | GEF (BD) | USD $3.5 mil | Planning/PPG | 5 years | UNDP | |
GEF Islands to Islands (I2I) | GEF (IW) | USD4,995,023 | Planning | 2020 - Ongoing | SPREP, UNEP | |
GEF ISLANDS | GEF (CW) | USD $700,000 | Planning | 2019-Ongoing | SPREP | |
GEF Enabling Activity - CBD | GEF (BD) | USD $300,000 | Planning | TBC | UNEP | |
GEF Enabling Activity - UNCCD | GEF (LD) | USD $100,000 | Planning | TBC | UNEP |

GEF-8 Plastic R.e.s.p.o.n.s.e. Project
The NES is excited to present the Cook Islands national project under the GEFs Circular Solutions to Plastic Pollution integrated program (IP) titled, “Reducing Single-use Plastics on Small Island Economies” or RESPONSE.

Cook Islands GEF7 Project
Welcome to the latest update on the Global Environment Facility (GEF) 7 project in the Cook Islands!
This exciting project is working towards enhancing biodiversity considerations and effective protected area management to safeguard the Cook Islands integrated ecosystems and species. It involves many key partners and stakeholders working together towards this common goal.

Montreal Protocol
(MP) Project
The MP Project aims to phase out Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) & phase down Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are man-made chemicals harmful to the our environment and health.
UNEP support the Cook Islands compliance with the control measures, implementing activities and other obligations under the Montreal Protocol.