Titā ki te Titā kore

The National Environment Service (NES) has partnered with Cook Islands General Transport (CIGT) to launch the Titā ki te Titā kore Project.” This initiative is aimed at tackling the environmental and health risks posed by the improper disposal of whiteware, electronic waste (E-Waste) and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) on Rarotonga. This forward-looking initiative reflects the Cook Islands Government’s commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable waste management practices.

Registrations for Vaka Te-Au-o-Tonga is now open. Te-Au-o-Tonga:
Tuesday 27th February 2024
Time: 8.30am – 3.00pm
Drop off location: Eastern side of Terevete Park 

Vaka Takitumu is scheduled for:
Thursday 7th March. 
8.30am – 3.00pm
Drop off location: 
Ngatangiia CICC Mission House Grounds.

Vaka Puaikura is scheduled for:
Thursday 21st March. 
8.30am – 3.00pm
Drop off location: 
Puaikura CICC Mission House Grounds. 

Payments will be collected by CIGT at the drop off site. 

This project has been eagerly anticipated by both NES and CIGT, acknowledging the years of legacy waste accumulation that have prompted our collaborative efforts. The last legacy waste collection drive was done by NES in 2014, with sporadic community projects in the last 3 years through Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF-SGP) facilitated through Cook Islands Red Cross.  

CIGT will engage in close collaboration with local Puna’s on Rarotonga to implement the program at the community level. Recycling and disposal fees, applicable to both commercial businesses and private households, will be enforced by CIGT. Additionally, individuals will be required to register with CIGT to ensure a smooth transition of collection once the programme starts. 


CIGT will engage in close collaboration with local Puna’s on Rarotonga to implement the program at the community level. Recycling and disposal fees, applicable to both commercial businesses and private households, will be enforced by CIGT. Additionally, individuals will be required to register with CIGT to ensure a smooth transition of collection once the programme starts.

For more details about the project, please contact:
Mii Herman (NES) mii.herman@cookislands.gov.ck or
Jessie Sword(CIGT)   jessie@cigt.co.ck 

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