Mangaia Island Environment Authority warranted

The main outcome from the first MIEA meeting is that the leaders of Mangaia would like to progress their environment regulations to provide clear guidelines and support for the community. This was well received by NES as it is currently drafting its new Environment bill and will prioritise on Mangaia’s needs for the development of its own island environment regulations.

NES travelled to Mangaia in November 2023 to conduct an induction training with the Mangaia Island Environment Authority (MIEA) on their roles and responsibilities as stipulated under the Environment Act 2003. 

The team consisted of Environmental Compliance Manager, Vavia Tangatataia, Senior Environmental Compliance officer, Junior Tapoki, and Digital & Communications Coordinator, Moana Tetauru. 

The Mangaia Island Environment Authority conducted its inaugural meeting. Addressing the authority members for the first time, Numangatini Tangitamaiti Tereapii Ariki said, “This is the first time that we have met as the highest authority of the land. This is a historical event for Mangaia, as today we will be issued our warrants as guardians of our land, to protect and preserve our island and people. Maybe this is time for us to apply our local laws, to help educate and raise the awareness of the environment and its importance.”

The main outcome from the first MIEA meeting is that the leaders of Mangaia would like to progress their environment regulations to provide clear guidelines and support for the community. This was well received by NES as it is currently drafting its new Environment bill and will prioritise on Mangaia’s needs for the development of its own island environment regulations. Other priorities included waste management, pollution, public education and awareness, and other conservation measures.

The makeup of the MIEA is different in comparison to other islands. The authority consists mainly of the Aronga Mana that make up 7 members, followed by the 3 Members of Parliament and the Mayor. 

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The National Environment Service is established to protect, conserve and ensure the Cook Islands environment is managed sustainably. The agency is headed by a Director with delegated powers to carry out the functions of the Environment Act 2003.

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