Past Projects

Review our past projects beyond 2017.

NES - Past Projects
NIP - Review and Update of the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convevntion on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the Cook IslandsGEF (CW)126,000CLOSED2017-OngoingUNEP
Institutional Strengthening Project VI (ISP)Multilateral FundUSD $80,000Closed 2017-2019UNDP
GEFPAS POPs (UPOPs) Pacific POPs Release Reduction through Improved Management of Solid and Hazardous WastesGEF (CW) USD3.750,000Closed 2013-2018SPREP Vavia Tangatataia
GEF5 Ridge to Reef GEF (BD)USD 4,000,000Closed 2015-2021UNDP Maria Tuoro Hayley Wee
"ABS: Strengthening the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing in the Cook Islands."GEF(BD)USD 930,000Closed 2015-2019 UNDP Emily Piere
GEF NBSAP Review Project GEF (BD)USD220,000Closed 2015-2017 UNDP Paul Alsworth, Louisa
GEF Invasive Alien Species (IAS)GEF (BD)USD324,040Closed 2012-2017 SPREP, UNEP Elizabeth Munro

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