Rangers return from Suwarrow

Park Rangers to the Island of Suwarrow to monitor and protect the wildlife of the island while at the same time monitor the movement of yachts that visit the island.

Rangers return from Suwarrow

Every year, NES sends Park Rangers to the Island of Suwarrow to monitor and protect the wildlife of the island while at the same time monitor the movement of yachts that visit the island. Harry Papai has been a Park Ranger for the past 10 years and has seen changes to the island during his time. On his return, he highlighted that noddy’s and sooty terns are now nesting on Anchorage, the main island in Suwarrow where the rangers reside. “From what I’ve seen, there are great numbers. I’m really pleased with the sooty terns, there’s probably thousands of eggs”.

This is the first time that he has observed these seabirds nesting in such large numbers on Anchorage and believes it may be due to the rat eradication efforts.. ‘This is my first time to the island and I love it’ says Teina Vakapora a first timer to the island, responsible with communicating to Rarotonga and assisting Harry in managing the island. New vegetation on the beach, an increase in fish numbers & activity, impact by the recent sea surge on the motus and more than 65 FADs was noted by the officers throughout their time there.

NES will continue to work with key agencies in ensuring the protection and management of the Island of Suwarrow.

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The National Environment Service is established to protect, conserve and ensure the Cook Islands environment is managed sustainably. The agency is headed by a Director with delegated powers to carry out the functions of the Environment Act 2003.

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