To mark World Oceans Day on June 8th, 2024, the National Environment Service (NES) collaborated with Kōrero o te ‘Ōrau (KO) and other government agencies in supporting Operation Taramea. Launched in 2020 by KO, this initiative aims to control the taramea crown-of-thorns starfish (acanthaster planci) in Rarotonga’s forereefs.
Taramea are natural predators on our reefs and primarily feed on corals. In an outbreak situation, they can decimate an entire reef. Rarotonga is currently going through an outbreak situation
Since the commencement of the initiative, Operation Taramea has successfully removed a significant number of Taramea from Cook Islands’ reefs. On World Oceans Day 2024 alone, 111 taramea were collected on Rarotonga, bringing the total to 9,574 taramea removed to date (on Rarotonga).
The NES remains dedicated to supporting long-term initiatives like Operation Taramea, ensuring the preservation of marine biodiversity for future generations.
To learn more about Operation Taramea, visit:
To support the ongoing efforts of this initiative, please visit: