NES celebrates International Day for Biological Diversity at the Takitumu Conservation Area (TCA)

NES celebrates International Days relating to safeguarding, protecting, managing and conserving the environment. This is a time to educate the youth of today and instill passion amongst local Cook Islanders to take care of our environment for the benefit of all. 

NES will celebrate the International Day for Biological Diversity today by recognising the Takitumu Conservation Area (TCA) as the first ‘Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measure (OECM)’ site in the Cook Islands as well as the Pacific.

NES celebrates International Days relating to safeguarding, protecting, managing and conserving the environment. This is a time to educate the youth of today and instill passion amongst local Cook Islanders to take care of our environment for the benefit of all. 

The international theme for Biodiversity Day 2024 is “Be part of the Plan”, which is a call to action for a whole of government and whole of society approach to reduce biodiversity loss and restore nature through implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), now known as the Biodiversity Plan. Declaring the TCA as the Cook Islands first OECM site helps us progress towards GBF Target 3 on protecting 30% of terrestrial and marine areas by 2030. The TCA is an example of successful conservation efforts here in the Cook Islands and the Pacific region.

While more coverage will be provided, please Click Here to read about this significant milestone. 

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The National Environment Service is established to protect, conserve and ensure the Cook Islands environment is managed sustainably. The agency is headed by a Director with delegated powers to carry out the functions of the Environment Act 2003.

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