Mainstreaming biodiversity across the agriculture sector

Elizabeth Munro, NES Manager Environmental Stewardship presented on the Cook Islands National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) with actions that links to agriculture such as conserving important agriculture areas and reduce impact on invasive species on agriculture. The National Environment Policy 2022-32 and its linkage to agriculture were also highlighted. 

Recognizing that Biodiversity conservation contributes to the long-term sustainability of Food security and agriculture, a Public and Private stakeholder’s workshop was held this month at the Ministry of Agriculture. The workshop enabled identification of key actions on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity for food and agriculture.

Elizabeth Munro, NES Manager Environmental Stewardship presented on the Cook Islands National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) with actions that links to agriculture such as conserving important agriculture areas and reduce impact on invasive species on agriculture. The National Environment Policy 2022-32 and its linkage to agriculture were also highlighted. 

Acknowledging Cook Islands NBSAP is a 20-year document, Ms Munro highlighted that the Cook Islands have received funding to review its NBSAP through the Global Biodiversity Framework – Early Action Support project.

Participants contributed to a proposed priority area to integrate and strengthen biodiversity considerations in agriculture production systems. These plans of action will contribute to the development of a Pacific Regional Action Plan to promote cohesive action on Mainstreaming Biodiversity across Agriculture sectors.

NES acknowledges the Ministry of Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for a fruitful workshop. The workshop was attended by NES officers Phillip Strickland, Fred Nicholas, Hayley Weeks and Elizabeth Munro.

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