Key Government agencies discuss environment and climate change donor funding
National Environment Service (NES), in partnership with Ministry of Finance & Economic Management’s Development Coordination Division (MFEM-DCD), hosted a half-day workshop in February 2023 to discuss key Multi-lateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) and their associated financial mechanisms available to member countries.
The workshop focused on sharing recent updates from some of the MEAs that the Cook Islands are strongly engaged with at both international and national levels, and how funding available to support implementation of these conventions can be coordinated and streamlined to increase effectiveness and impact.
The workshop was attended by Government agencies including NES, MFEM-DCD, Office of the Prime Minister – Climate Change Cook Islands as well as its Central Policy and Planning Office (OPM-CCCI; OPM-CPPO), and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration (MFAI).
MEAs discussed included the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Financial mechanisms available to support the implementation of these MEAS were also discussed, which included the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Green Climate Fund (GCF), amongst others.
This is the 2nd annual dialogue bringing these agencies together. Program alignment and updates on the multi-lateral funding allocated and available was well received by government representatives present. All in attendance recognized the importance of national cooperation, and further underscored the importance of working collectively to ensure that projects align with our National Sustainable Development Agenda (NSDA 2020+), which was endorsed by cabinet in November 2021 as the central guiding document for our national goals and development.
Echoed by all and noted by DCD Development Programme Manager, Tessa Vaetoru, “We’re thankful for the enlightening and fruitful discussions today, and hope to continue and build these dialogues”.
NES Director Mr. Halatoa Fua expressed his gratitude to all for the great engagement and collaboration, and highlighted that NES looks forward to continued work with our partners beyond this event.