First Pacific Islands to join HAC to end plastic pollution

NES with support from MFAI formally submitted the Cook Islands support for the High Ambition Coalition (HAC) to End Plastic Pollution.

First Pacific Islands to join HAC to end plastic pollution

The Cook Islands joins 46 other countries plus the EU in becoming a member to the HAC to End Plastic Pollution. We are the 1st Pacific Island country to do so, demonstrating our strong regional position in tackling pollution and waste management.

On 17th December 2022, NES with support from MFAI formally submitted the Cook Islands support for the High Ambition Coalition (HAC) to End Plastic Pollution.

The HAC invites countries to set high ambitions to end plastic pollution by 2040. It is committed to urgent action that addresses the management of plastics throughout their entire lifecycle, including micro plastics. This is in response to astounding global figures indicating that 13 million tonnes of plastic enters our oceans each year. Furthermore, plastic production is expected to double in the coming decades, with plastic waste expected to triple.

Countries have agreed we need to collectively address this global issue for the protection of both human and environment health. A global treaty to manage plastics is currently being negotiated by countries worldwide. The first Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-1) recently met in Uruguay, and was attended by NES. 

The HAC has three global strategic goals:
1.      Restrain plastic consumption and production to sustainable levels
2.      Enable a circular economy for plastics that protects the environment and human health
3.      Achieve environmentally sound management and recycling of plastic waste.
Further information available here 




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