Avele Simona retires from NES

After 34 years of serving the people of the Cook Islands diligently, Aitutaki NES Officer Avele Simona has called time out on a distinguished career

After 34 years of serving the people of the Cook Islands diligently, Aitutaki NES Officer Avele Simona has called time out on a distinguished career as a former Cook Islands Police Officer, and eventually joining the National Environment Service in 2017 as a Senior Compliance officer till now.

His skill and experience had enabled him in applying strong enforcement of the NES’s mandate. His ability to work with all staff as one of the best team players, is the legacy he leaves with NES. Compliance Officer Junior Tapoki echoes our sentiments.

“Your unwavering commitment to upholding the law, coupled with your integrity and loyalty, has not only served as a valuable guide but also imparted significant lessons about the role of a regulatory enforcer. Your remarkable efforts, both within and outside of our work environment, have left a lasting impression. Your dedication and hard work will undoubtedly continue to inspire us all”.

Known to NES officers as Papa Avele, NES is deeply grateful for his invaluable contributions and the positive influence he had on the NES team.

Papa Avele as you embark on your future endeavors, we wish you and your family all the best. We thank you immensely for your exceptional service to our people, our islands and the Cook Islands.

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About Nes

The National Environment Service is established to protect, conserve and ensure the Cook Islands environment is managed sustainably. The agency is headed by a Director with delegated powers to carry out the functions of the Environment Act 2003.

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