A science panel is key to sound chemical and waste management

The Cook Islands' participation highlights its commitment to international efforts in enhancing chemical and waste management and preventing pollution, ensuring a cleaner and safer environment for future generations.

The Cook Islands actively participated in the SPP OEWG-3 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting held last month in Hangzhou, China. This gathering aimed to prepare for the third session of the ad hoc open-ended working group (OEWG) on establishing a science-policy panel (SPP) dedicated to the sound management of chemicals and waste, and to prevent pollution.

During the meeting, delegates from the Asia-Pacific region discussed all items on the provisional agenda for the upcoming OEWG-3 session scheduled in Geneva from June 17-21, 2024. The discussions covered various critical topics outlined in the working documents for the SPP OEWG-3.

Through two days of intensive discussions, the delegates reached a consensus on several key issues and developed a zero draft of the Asia-Pacific regional statement. This draft will be further refined and finalized before being presented at the SPP OEWG-3 meeting in Geneva.

The Cook Islands’ participation highlights its commitment to international efforts in enhancing chemical and waste management and preventing pollution, ensuring a cleaner and safer environment for future generations.

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The National Environment Service is established to protect, conserve and ensure the Cook Islands environment is managed sustainably. The agency is headed by a Director with delegated powers to carry out the functions of the Environment Act 2003.

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