To tatou Ipukarea, to tatou rau maire
hrough the Project ENUA GEF7 and the National Environment Service as the implementing agency the day was celebrated appreciating our environment at the Takuvaine Catchment
The Rarotonga Environment Act 1994/95 was repealed by the Environment Act 2003 formalising the establishment of the NES.
The role of the National Environment Services is based on 5 main areas and has four main departments.
There is a suite of policies, strategies and plans developed over the years to enable environmental protection, conservation and management.
Our cultural identify is deeply rooted in our environment and it is part of our heritage and legacy.
An Environment Consent is a permission granted to an applicant undertaking an activity that has some but not significant environment impact.
A permission required for the construction of a standard residential dwelling or non-construction purposes such as land clearance.
A management tool used to identify the environmental, social and economic impacts of a project prior to decision making.
Any person planning to take any wild animal or plant overseas must apply for a permit for trade movement of endangered species (CITES).
All importers of bulk HFC goods must register as an approved importer with NES.
Other permits issued by NES relates to the transboundary movement of waste, ozone depletion substances and wildlife.
Biodiversity plans are important documents to manage and determine the state of our natural environment.
Protecting species, habitats, ecosystem, and protecting biological diversity.
Activities to protect, maintain, or restore the quality of environmental media.
Historical milestone for conservation in the Cook Islands
The Environment Act 2003 is the primary legislation applied throughout the Cook Islands and the Outer Islands (Pa Enua) of Aitutaki, Atiu, Mauke and Mitiaro.
Several subsidiary legislations made under the Environment Act 2003 to apply provisions of the Act and to also include the Pa Enua.
Numerous national legislations interlinked with the environment but administered by other government entities.
hrough the Project ENUA GEF7 and the National Environment Service as the implementing agency the day was celebrated appreciating our environment at the Takuvaine Catchment
Cook Islands representation to this meeting included NES staff Ms. Elizabeth Munro, Mrs. Moana Tetauru and Ms. Jessie Nicholson. Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture
Two staff from the National Environment Service (NES) Cook Islands were amongst 30 other participants that recently attended the training programme in Singapore last month.
The Cook Islands’ participation highlights its commitment to international efforts in enhancing chemical and waste management and preventing pollution, ensuring a cleaner and safer environment
The NES remains dedicated to supporting long-term initiatives like Operation Taramea, ensuring the preservation of marine biodiversity for future generations.
Five NES staff, including the NES Suwarrow rangers were stationed at the booths to share their roles in protecting the Cook Islands natural environment.
A video was produced by Rongokura Productions to capture highlights from the event and help NES to commemorate this incredible achievement for our current and
The National Environment Service (NES), in partnership with landowners and invited guests, celebrated the official launch of Ngai Taporoporo o Takitumu, Takitumu Conservation Area (TCA),
Ko teia te au manamanata tei ngere i roto i te Ture Nui o te Aorangi. Ko te tauianga reva, ao natura, tita (repo), te
The intention of this bill is to repeal the Environment Act 2003, which serves to address existing and emerging issues in the last two decades,